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  • Get to know the coach and process

    20 min

Connect with a VantageShift coach for a 20-minute chat to get to know each other and better understand the coaching process.

Image by Markus Winkler

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

Schedule an Introductory Session to meet the coach and decide if you want to work together.


Do I need to sign a contract?

Yes, after we agree on your coaching goals and logistics, you will receive a contract for you to review and sign. 


Will I have to commit to a specific number of sessions or program length?
With VantageShift, you are in control of how long you want to stay with your coach. Contracts include a provision for you to be able to cancel with a short notice period. 


How long are coaching sessions?

Coaching sessions are typically 50 minutes long and are scheduled for up to one hour unless agreed otherwise in the contract.


Where do I meet with my coach?

Sessions are usually online. If you're near the VantageShift office, you can discuss in person meetings with your coach. 


Is what I say in the session considered confidential?

Confidentiality is important! Your coach is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and bound by their rules, which includes maintaining the confidentiality of the information that clients share. There are limited circumstances in which a coach may be required to disclose confidential information; they are detailed in the contract.​


What do we talk about during a coaching session?

Coaching is goal oriented. You decide what you want to accomplish in a session and what you'd like to consider in order to reach your goal. Your coach will, through deep listening, ask you questions and occasionally offer observations and feedback that will help drive your learning and awareness. 


Is coaching the same as therapy?

In short, no. Coaching is forward looking with a focus on moving you toward what you want to achieve.


How do I learn more about VantageShift coaching?

For more information, you can schedule an Introductory Session or

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