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Staying Positive in the Negativity

Suzanne ElNaggar

Every day, I awaken to my playful pup gently performing her self-appointed alarm clock duties. As I scratch behind her ears and smile at her, I draw on my natural optimism to hope that this will be a day when I can watch the news without feeling the need to turtle. I know it's a tall order, but in the quiet of the early morning with the sun rising and the birds singing it seems possible.

You can imagine what happens when I allow the world to intrude. The wars, the political fighting, the climate disasters, the layoffs...the list goes on and on. It would be simpler to surrender to the cacophony than to attempt to silence it. However, I have people who depend on me for emotional support, including myself. So, surrendering is not an option.

When I feel as though I am surrounded by negativity, I have some trusty ways to ensure that I don't spiral into the abyss.

I exercise and get fresh air

About a decade ago, I discovered the joys of strength training. I began my fitness journey in order to improve my physical health, but I've found that there is a tremendous emotional upside from regular exercise, as well. I look forward to my workouts and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and well-being that follows.

Having a dog also means lots of walking and spending time outdoors. Nature has a calming effect on me and turns the volume down on the din. When I return from a walk, I feel a lot more at peace.

I prioritize time with people who make me smile

We can't always choose the people around us, such as family and coworkers. However, when given a choice, I've learned to spend my precious time with people who exude positive energy over the ones who drain me.

I turn off the noise

I enjoy staying abreast of current events and keep up with news from many parts of the globe. I am diligent about not getting all of my news from a single source; rather, I read news from a variety of print and online sources.

Staying up to date now, though, can be fraught. I have learned that when I feel overwhelmed, I have to step away. Social media platforms, especially, are insidious and are the first channels I turn off. I take a break from the news and listen to music, read, or revel in the sweet sound of silence instead.

I practice gratitude

It's easy to start feeling sorry for yourself when you're surrounded by gloom. We're naturally inclined to focus on the negative.

Reminding myself of all that I have that's good is a wonderful antidote for melancholy. It helps to focus on the people, places, and everyday items that make my days more fulfilling. Whether through a meditation or just thinking pleasant thoughts for a few minutes, gratitude is a mood booster.

What do you do to maintain your equilibrium? Let me know your thoughts!

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